Tuesday, August 22, 2006


I'm not sure if this will make you feel better, or discourage you... but my scrapbooking stuff is not organized right now. I've spent all summer dumping pictures, memorabilia, paper and new products on my project table, thinking that all summer I would get organized, make it a project. Instead, the pile keeps growing.

Now, I have all the necessary supplies to actually organize myself, it's just a matter of getting it done. But my personal supplies and albums are in one room, my inventory is in another room and my consultant materials are in yet another room. I need to get my act together. From previous posts, you might remember that I'm taking up space in my husband's den with scrapbooking stuff, I think he knows the day is coming when the "man room" will turn into the scrapbooking room. I think it's inevitable.

Why am I blogging about this? I guess because it's my latest distraction. It's keeping me from what I'd rather be doing with these albums... actually completing them instead of piling stuff on top of them. Life, and scrapbooking, is so much more productive when you're organized.

I showed my oldest daughter this picture I was planning to post of my Project Table. (Notice the chair even has piles!) She thought it would be a good idea if I posted this as a "before" and then later take an "after" shot. Good idea. Hopefully I'll post the "after" picture in a week or two, not in a few months!

Monday, August 07, 2006


Most of you who read our blog from Italy, know that my camera was stolen on our trip. This was devastating, but only because of the inconvenience, the feeling of being victimized and the fact that it was a brand new camera. Fortunately, we had the foresight to bring our computer and download our pictures every night. We didn't lose any pictures (it was stolen in the morning before we had a chance to take any that day) and we just bought a disposable camera until we could find a replacement. I became paranoid that something would happen to the computer, so I also uploaded the pictures from the computer to the Creative Memories Photo Center, where they're stored and archived - and eventually I had them printed from there as well.

While on this trip, almost every picture I took was strategic - as a scrapbooker, I know what photos are essential to take and which ones I will use in my album. I couldn't believe how upset I was when this crime happened, I didn't lose the pictures, but I did lose the tool. And I did NOT want to take pictures on a disposable camera, I didn't think the quality would be good enough.

But we do what we can and I count my blessings... I didn't lose photos, I was still able to take pictures of the sights and adventures, I still have those memories and hey, I went to Italy!

Some pictures on the disposable camera didn't turn out well (we only needed it for about a day and a half) but some turned out great! This was one of the first pictures we took on our temporary camera at the famous Roman Collesium.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Tiny Dancers

I spent 16 years of my life taking dance lessons - I've spent another 8 or so teaching dance. Needless to say, it's been a big part of my life. Since I've had children, especially because they are girls, I've been waiting to introduce them to what was so important to me growing up. This was the first year that they both participated in a dance recital.

I'm not naive in thinking they will dance as long, or love it as much as me... nor do they need to - they're NOT me. When they're ready to stop, I'll let them. But for now, I feel lucky that we all have a shared interest. My husband and I always talk about how as parents, none of us can expect our kids to be interested in what we are. Think of your parents and what their interests/hobbies were. Did yours match?

But in the meantime, I'm going to enjoy every minute.