Tiny Dancers
I spent 16 years of my life taking dance lessons - I've spent another 8 or so teaching dance. Needless to say, it's been a big part of my life. Since I've had children, especially because they are girls, I've been waiting to introduce them to what was so important to me growing up. This was the first year that they both participated in a dance recital.
I'm not naive in thinking they will dance as long, or love it as much as me... nor do they need to - they're NOT me. When they're ready to stop, I'll let them. But for now, I feel lucky that we all have a shared interest. My husband and I always talk about how as parents, none of us can expect our kids to be interested in what we are. Think of your parents and what their interests/hobbies were. Did yours match?
But in the meantime, I'm going to enjoy every minute.

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