Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Forever Friends

Some of the most special relationships in our lives are the people we've known the longest. I am lucky enough to be part of a group who have known eachother our whole lives.

We are two sets of sisters... the oldest sisters being 5 months apart and the youngest sisters being 2 months apart. Our parents lived on the same street when we were all born and my mom used to babysit the other girls. When she wasn't babysitting, we still spent all our time together... loving eachother and fighting like we were ALL sisters.

This relationship is unique in that we are all still friends. We all live within a few miles of eachother, we've been in eachother's weddings, we've been together through babies, illnesses and divorces and our relationship hold strong. The four of us get together every Christmas and that's the one time of year we can count on all four of us being together. Last weekend, for my sister's 40th birthday, I invited them all together for a day of manicures, pedicures and lunch. It was great.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

My Baby's Birthday

My baby turned 6-years old today. How did that happen?
She is such a bright spot in our family, she lights up a room when she walks in. She has a great sense of humor and more imagination in her little finger than most people have in their whole body. She has spent most of her life with infections, pneumonia or anemia - so you'd think she'd act sickly or in pain, but never has. She says "I love you" more than any person I've ever met and cares for the whole world, especially animals.

Happy birthday, sugar buger!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Our Busy Fall

Fall is my favorite time of year... but so busy for us, too! After we get started with school, soccer, dance lessons, etc. then the next thing we know it's time for holidays and birthdays! After my oldest daughter has her birthday and Halloween is over, I'm immediately planning my youngest daughter's parties and usually Thanksgiving is a few days later. Christmas is then around the corner. And this year, we added a vacation to California in between the birthday weeks! Needless to say, I always take more pictures during the two months of birthdays and holidays, than I do the rest of the year! Here are a few to highlight the last month:

Pumpkin Patch pictures are some of my favorites... here's my youngest on her Kindergarten field trip:

Halloween night - Ariel and Hannah Montana:

My oldest daughter's first slumber party to celebrate her birthday: