Thursday, May 10, 2007

Just Another Day

My day yesterday...
Woke up to my youngest daughter saying Happy Birthday at 6:30 am - and then telling me that she wet the bed.
Stripping the bed and starting laundry
Getting girls ready for school
Doing some "homework" for my boss from the dance studio related to recital next month
Getting a call at 10:29am from my mom to mark the time of my birth
Putting things away in my youngest daughter's room (after painting this weekend)
Feeding the dog and cat
Getting a call from my husband to say happy birthday again
Getting Kindergarten daughter off the bus and fixing her lunch
Taking said-6-year-old to gymnastics class
(reading a book during gymnastics)
Stopping at Safeway to pick up a prescription
Doing dishes and preparing meat for dinner
Letting dog out and getting scratched by said-dog
Going to work - teaching 3 classes with a cold
Coming home to empty house and no dinner
Putting away grocery delivery
Fixing dinner and setting off smoke alarm from using the broiler in the oven
Calming children after the loud smoke alarm
Having a little pity party
Opening presents
Eating dinner
Savoring dessert
Watching New Adventures of Old Christine on Tivo (LOVE IT!)
Falling asleep on couch

Just another day - but with extra phone calls, emails and hugs and kisses thrown in.

Sorry, no pictures to commemorate the (lack-of) event, but am looking forward to mother's day Sunday. Usually get some good pictures for my family album, then!


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