The Truth About Being the Family Historian
Has it really been more than a month since I posted? This "myth" that you have more time in the summer is just that - mostly I just don't have time to myself like I might during the school year.
So, it having been so long, you'd think I'd have many pictures to post, but I really haven't been taking pictures. I'm not sure why... It could be that a lot of the events we do every year are the same year after year - I get tired of taking the same pictures. Or, truthfully, sometimes I'm just tired of taking pictures in general. Or, maybe it's the fact that I already have a stack of pictures on my project table and I don't want to add to it. Sound familiar?
However, I did want to tell you about our great trip to the coast. Five of us croppers had a wonderful time beach combing, eating and scrapbooking. And we even got TONS of pages done - all of us either finished an album, or completed about 30 pages. Once again, I didn't take pictures, but thanks to Jen, we have some anyway!
Marcy working hard! (in her usual cropping attire...)

Julie E. and me making sense of everything on the table!

Julie C. - seems like there's a theme at these copping events... see previous event here:

I'll snap back into picture taking mode - first day of school is right around the corner. But I'm also giving myself permission to take a little vacation from thinking about the perfect shot.
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