I'm not sure if this will make you feel better, or discourage you... but my scrapbooking stuff is not organized right now. I've spent all summer dumping pictures, memorabilia, paper and new products on my project table, thinking that all summer I would get organized, make it a project. Instead, the pile keeps growing.
Now, I have all the necessary supplies to actually organize myself, it's just a matter of getting it done. But my personal supplies and albums are in one room, my inventory is in another room and my consultant materials are in yet another room. I need to get my act together. From previous posts, you might remember that I'm taking up space in my husband's den with scrapbooking stuff, I think he knows the day is coming when the "man room" will turn into the scrapbooking room. I think it's inevitable.
Why am I blogging about this? I guess because it's my latest distraction. It's keeping me from what I'd rather be doing with these albums... actually completing them instead of piling stuff on top of them. Life, and scrapbooking, is so much more productive when you're organized.
I showed my oldest daughter this picture I was planning to post of my Project Table. (Notice the chair even has piles!) She thought it would be a good idea if I posted this as a "before" and then later take an "after" shot. Good idea. Hopefully I'll post the "after" picture in a week or two, not in a few months!

And have you been wondering what to do with that "extra" 15 hours per week?
I now have 35 and it's still not enough...
The "man room".
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