8 is Great
Oct. 31, 1998... The day my life changed forever and I became a mother. I got my first taste of the unpredictability of it all when my daughter arrived a week late, yet a day early (I was supposed to be induced Nov. 1). I got a taste of how they don't always do what you say (I told her to be born ANY day except Halloween). And, I experienced sheer joy and severe pain all within a 24 hour period. Oh, how many more times will I experience that!?!
I couldn't be happier or luckier with the little girl she has become and what she has added to my life - and what she has added to the world with her outlook and smile.
And today, (as she is halfway to DRIVING!) I look at her and smile, count my blessings, and be thankful she was born on Halloween... Why? It makes her feel special - and anything that makes a little girl feel special is good in my book.
Happy Birthday, my little pumpkin...