And The Little One Has a Birthday, too
Just 18 days after one daughter has her birthday, it's time for the next one! One advantage to having their birthdays so close together is that we have the parties and then it's a good 11-1/2 months before we get to do it again! Here's some pictures from my baby's 7th birthday!
She found the dress my mom made me for my 8th birthday (she's quite a bit taller than I was) and absolutely LOVED it, saying it was the dress she had been wishing for. Who would have thought this 30-year old dress would get some more wear? Well, it was MY favorite dress, too - that's why I kept it.

She had a birthday party watching Ratatouille on the big screen in our bonus room. A bunch of 1st graders together watching a long movie started well, but they really lost focus after about an hour. A short intermission to open presents and all was well again!

A sleepover with one of her best buddies after the party made the day perfect! These girls are two peas in a pod...

And today, celebrating at school. Here's her teacher singing the Happy Birthday "cha-cha-cha" version.

I love the birthday season in our household, but am tired. I've got 11 months to recover.