Get your Cheetah on!
I took my daughters to their first concert yesterday, The Cheetah Girls and Hannah Montana. For those of you who have daughters younger than 15, or frequently watch the Disney Channel, you'll know who these acts are. My husband and I talked about getting the tickets when the Cheetah Girls concert was first announced, but decided against it, our girls like the group but we could have skipped it... until we found the "special guest" was Hannah Montana. As my oldest daughter said yesterday, "I'm pretty sure I'm her biggest fan."
So we purchased the tickets and told the girls that mommy was taking them. They've been anticipating it ever since. About two weeks ago, we saw the Cheetah Girls perform on Regis and Kelly - and then in the interview portion, when Regis asked what you would need to do to get ready for one of their concerts, the Cheetahs said "First, you need to get your Cheetah on!", which means you have to dress the part (cheetah print clothes) to attend the concert. Well, as adults, we know you don't HAVE to dress the part, but try telling this to two girls under the age of 8...
My youngest daughter had a sweater set that would work, although it's a little small, it would do. My oldest daughter had been bugging me to find something. Even though in the last year or two you haven't been able to go to any little girl section of a clothing store without running into cheetah print clothes, I couldn't find anything anywhere! Fortunately, the night before the concert I found some pajama bottoms, which I told her she could wear. She thought I'd fallen off my rocker, but she also thought it was very cool!
So we headed to the concert, just the three of us. When we bought the tickets, I considered having them invite friends... but then I knew I'd be nothing more than the chauffeur who would take them to the concert and chaperone. I really wanted this to be a bonding time between me and the girls, especially since it was their first concert. I had to laugh while we were in the car because they said "mommy, we're the Cheetah Girls and you're the limo driver!" Okay, guess I was the chauffeur anyway.
With the exception of my youngest daughter crying during the first song, (performed by the opening act "Everlife") because "I don't like loud noises!" (My husband, a rock concert regular, is not really sure he can claim her as his own) - the girls loved it! I cringed at the prices of souvenirs, but my favorite part was when my girls would stand up, dance and sing along. See... my husband would be proud, afterall.
Heading to the concert, with their Cheetah on.... (mommy couldn't find anything - and didn't want to go in pj pants)

With their souvenirs, looking Cheetahlicious (a word in the Cheetah girls vocabulary)

Hannah Montana (a.k.a. Miley Cirus, daughter of Billy Ray)


I need to work with Grace. This whole "It's too loud" thing just won't do.
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