Happy Mother's Day
I always love my kids... but there are those moments, you know the ones, where you're totally IN love with your kids. That moment comes when you love the fact you're a parent, you're so happy that God gave you these creatures to brighten your life every day in every way and you realize that they're growing up quickly... and that makes you sad.
I had ones of those moments last week, during the "Mother's Tea" in my oldest daughter's 1st grade classroom. I don't get to spend too much alone time with her, as she's in school full-time now and when she's home, so is her little sister. So just mommy came to the tea and the class put on quite a show! Songs, poems, presents, stories and, of course, tea.
My daughter was so excited for this day to come, talked about it all week and prepared me for some of the activities that were going to take place. And when I was actually in the classroom she was so proud to show me around the room (even though I'm there several times a month to help the teacher or pick up my daughter, etc.) and read me her writing journal.
And I had that moment. The one where I looked at my "baby" and realized how fast she's growing up and how she's becoming a beautiful, independent girl. Yet she still wants to sit on my lap during the story time and she was hoping I'd cry during her teacher's reading of "I'll Love You Forever". (I did...)
Happy Mother's Day to anyone who is a mother or has a mother! Remember to document your stories and feelings for your mom, about your mom or because you're a mom.

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