Olympic Day
My oldest daughter recently had "Field Day" at her school. Most of you know about this, or happened to participate in one when you were in elementary school, I'm sure. I've attended them the two years she's been in school and have helped out, watched, took pictures, etc. I remember that we had "Olympic Day" at my grade school when I was young, but haven't thought too much about it since then.
The weekend after my daughter's Field Day, I ran into an old friend of mine, Lori, at a baby shower. She and I have known eachother since about the second grade and were friends in some form or another through high school. We still have a very good mutual friend, so once or twice a year we run into eachother, or get updates about eachother through this friend. I had my daughter at this shower with me and she was talking to Lori. She mentioned she just had Field Day at school. Lori started laughing out loud and I immediately knew why.
The two of us were 3-legged race champions. We ruled. No one could beat us.
Lori starting telling my daughter about it, who, by the way, wasn't nearly as impressed as she should have been. Now keep in mind, I don't remember specific details of the event. It was 28 years ago. But I remember we won, I remember we won by a lot and I remember we had our picture taken. The image that popped in my head was the picture. What power photographs have on us and our memory!
I called my mom to see if she had the photos commemorating our big win and she did. Over the phone I described the picture to her, and it was just as I still imagined it. As the years progress, and I start remembering less and less, I'm glad to know the pictures will still be there to remind me of the big and small events in our lives.
Racing to the finish....

The coveted Blue Ribbon...

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