Okay, not really a topic that I can discuss with much authority, considering I always have a lot to do, but I'm not always motivated to get it done (i.e. getting a new blog entry posted... it has been a month).
However, I realized how much can be done if we're truly motivated last weekend at our "Croppin' at the Coast" event. My project for the weekend was completing my wedding album. As I mentioned in a previous post, my goal was to get it done by our 10th anniversary, which came and went in April. A goal, yes... motivation, hmmmm, not so much. So I'm plugging along, very slowly at the beach, talking away to my friends and maybe completing a page an hour. Slooooow going. Until my friend, Julie, who had finished what she was working on, decided she was going to hit the outlet mall the next day. Eureka! Something to motivate me! If I could complete my album by the next morning, I would allow myself to go with her! So after getting about 6 pages in 6 hours done before that declaration, I ended up finishing 21 MORE pages in about 10 hours. I doubled my rate of production! (and got some great deals at the outlet mall)
Now I have another motivation, I was so happy that this album was finally done, after 10 years of waiting for it, that I couldn't wait to go home and show my husband. However, he doesn't want to see it until it's completely done! (I haven't journaled or titled everything yet). Well, I'm so anxious to show him this album, that I'm hoping to get that done this week. Hmmm, maybe I need to reward myself with a new pair of shoes if I get it done :)
Pictures of the week: So sorry I haven't posted a picture of the week for a while. I've been busy! Doing what? I'll tell you with pictures. (after all, isn't that what scrapbooking is about?)
A screening of my husband's first movie-making venture on his birthday, complete with "movie poster":

My niece graduating from college (my alma mater!). Today she headed off to Florida to begin a new career:

My youngest daughter also graduating... but from pre-school. Here she is "pre-ceremony":

My oldest daughter's "field day" at school... but that's another blog entry. Stay tuned.
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