Sister Twister
Picture of the week:

This is a funny picture of my daughters playing Twister, the first time they've played the game. My husband was visiting a friend and brought the girls along and they immediately connected with the kids that lived there. The friend's wife took the picture and e-mailed it to us. How fun for me to see them play, since I wasn't there!
So besides it being great for me to see my kids play Twister, what else could I do with this picture? I'll probably put it in their "Sisters Album", an album I've mentioned before in my blog. It's where I put a lot of the pictures of the two of them, that don't really seem to fit anywhere else. This is a very low-maintenance album, it started when my youngest was a baby and every year I just add maybe 20 more pictures or so, about three pictures per page. I don't journal in this album, I just put the month and year the picture was taken and mount it on colored paper. I bought a book with poems and special sayings about sisters, which I put on each page as a header. It's simple, but very cute.
I know it seems like I work on a lot of albums, which seems like, frankly, a lot of work. But after talking with one of my customers last week, I'm realizing there are some advantages to working on albums as "themes" vs. chronologically. If you get behind on albums when you're working chronologically, you can be years and years behind, which seems overwhelming to catch up. But theme albums take a lot less time to "catch up", because there are less pictures. If you working on a "school album" all you have to do is add school pictures - and if nothing else it's a mind game, you can tell yourself you're caught up on at least one album... you're not so far behind any more! Also, I can pick and choose what I want to work on. It's not so much of an overwhelming chore when I can pick what I want to work on instead of looking at ALL pictures of 2002 and thinking I have to get them all in a book right away.
If you have a picture or album idea to share, e-mail it to me and I'll post it on the blog!
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