Monday, November 14, 2005

Thanksgiving spread

I have to admit, I'm horrible at taking Thanksgiving pictures. The few that I do have, spaced sporadically through the years, are ones that other people took and they're usually just of people lounging around on couches or sitting around a table with food in their mouths. Someone took one a few years ago of the "kids" table, just when I am bending down to serve my children, cutting turkey meat or something, and all the picture showed was my big ol' back end and half of a cousin's little face. That one made it to the garbage.

The sad things is, I LOVE Thanksgiving! I love that a full day is dedicated to being thankful for our blessings. A full day dedicated to being with family. A full day of filling up on yummy food. And I can start listening to Christmas music... guilt-free. The entire holiday is beautiful... just maybe not one designed for a full-page scrapbooking spread.

Someone from my CM Consultant circle sent this to our entire unit, some great ideas to chronicle this holiday that I thought I'd share with you.

(courtesy of Donna Baker)
1)Take a CM calendar page and write a blessing in each day's square. Put it in a Fridge Frame to keep it in sight and take turns who in the family gets to list their praise each day. (You can do it on your kitchen calendar but it's wonderful to add to your album- could use a ruled or regular page)

2)Each family member could write a journal block once a week of all their blessings- this is so fun to read in later years as it gives a snapshot of your life at the time (winning the game at school, passing a test, warm weather in November, who won the election, the dog is not sick now...)

3)Make a Thanksgiving page, or a whole Thanksgiving album to pass after the BIG dinner for EVERYONE to say what they are thankful for. Or you can hand out blocks of ruled paper and put them in the album later. Keep the page decorations simple, the words are so wonderful.

If you have ideas for Thanksgiving pages, post them here - we'd love to hear them!
Happy Holidays!


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