Monday, August 01, 2005

Your Must-Have Item

I have to admit, when I first start scrapbooking, it was purely for fun - not to capture memories, not to preserve my photos, it was just a creative outlet for me and something to do with my friends. It wasn't until after I had kids when the importance of keeping these pictures safe became so necessary. Maybe it was the realization that the generations carry on the family history and it's up to me to make sure that happens.

But I have so many friends that I've tried to convince to be their family historian and start scrapbooking, but for whatever reason it's not for them. I most often hear "I don't have the time" or "I have so many pictures in shoe boxes, I wouldn't know where to begin". I have to say, the latter statement is the one that concerns me... because even if you never put your pictures in scrapbooks, they need to be preserved - and shoeboxes ain't gonna cut it.

That's why I think everybody - yes, everybody - needs the Power Sort Box. This is, by far, my favorite item from Creative Memories. There are items they are more fun and more pretty, but this is the most practical, usable item we carry. It's a storage system for your pictures, that's divided into 12 dividers, each able to hold up to 200 5x7 pictures. That means the whole box can hold 2400 pictures! No more having pictures all over the house, in several shoe boxes, in no particular order. Have them all in ONE space, organized into 12 different categories (by year, by album, by decade, by child... whatever!) They're easy to find if needed and they are protected in a PHOTO-SAFE box.

My dear friend Jen came over last Friday and brought most of her pictures to sort through and place in her Power Sort Box. She and I were roommates for two years in college. What fun we had, going through pictures and laughing at some from that time - some 15 years ago! That's right, she was sorting through more than 15 years of pictures and organizing them chronologically. She can decide what to do with them later. Right now she just knows that for the time being, they're safe... and she knows where they are! (In case she needs to take them out to blackmail me or other friends!)

... Don't get any ideas, Jen.


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